Phone: 06-20164353
After studying Japanese Language and Culture at Leiden University, I turned my passion for travel into my profession. With great enthusiasm, I fly with a well-known Dutch airline. Eastern medicine was instilled in me from an early age and I took it for granted. The care and dynamics of a growing family were my inspiration to explore the philosophy behind these 'family customs'. This led to a 5-year HBO training in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the Open University Shenzhou in Amsterdam. In addition to Chinese Acupuncture, I practice the Japanese method which uses thin needles and abdominal (Hara) diagnosis. To meet the strict entry requirements of the professional association Dutch Association for Acupuncture to work as a therapist, I have at the same time successfully completed a 2-year HBO training in Western Medical Basic Knowledge.
Every human being is born with a quantity of life energy. The energy steams through channels, or meridians, through our body. The meridians form a network that reaches every part of our body. Thus, we are supplied with the necessary life energy from head to toe. External influences such as trauma, overload or intense emotions can cause the energy balance to become unbalanced and diseases to develop. Japanese acupuncture is distinguished by the idea that a treatment should be pain-free. A treatment may consist of placing thin needles, massage or giving movement and/or nutritional advice with the aim of removing energetic blockages. Besides acupuncture, herbal formulas may also be prescribed. Herbal medicine is actually the most important and indispensable pillar of Chinese medicine. Prescribing herbal therapy can contribute to a deeper and fuller recovery. I put together an herbal combination based on your specific pattern of symptoms. Herbs are prescribed in raw form, powder form, tablets, capsules or concentrated extracts. I order these herbs from Dragon Herbs in Nijmegen or the Natuurapotheek in Pijnacker. Both are reliable addresses with verified herbs of good quality. The order is delivered to your home in cooperation with the pharmacy or can be picked up at the practice address.
Indications range from insomnia to infertility, or just for overall energy maintenance. Low back, neck and shoulder pain, heart and lung diseases, stress and fatigue, allergies, quitting smoking are among other examples where TCM is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). If your issue is not mentioned in the above list, feel free to contact me.
The initial consultation (including first acupuncture treatment) takes 1.5 hours, at a cost of €95. Follow-up treatments take an hour, for which the fee is €70. A Herbal consultation excluding herbs is €45,-.
If you are insured for alternative care, you are eligible for reimbursement. Please consult your own insurer about the policy conditions. A list of health insurers and reimbursements can be found on the NVA website: