Phone: 06-50263613
I counsel people with very different complaints and problems. With every client, I look for the right style and working method to help the client overcome problems, achieve new (life) goals, or, for example, let go of old patterns and develop new ones.
In the initial sessions, we explore what are the obstacles you encounter in your life that you want to leave behind. Barriers such as fears, lack of self-confidence, tension, inability to let go or accept, being stuck in patterns, emotional imbalance, relationship problems, or other problems. We then analyse what you need and where your wishes and needs lie. Finally, we determine a period in which we will work on one or more of your goals. This can be done in 2 sessions, but also in 10 or 20.
The basis of my counselling is the personal contact between you and me, in which you feel respected as you are. The experience of warmth, attention and acceptance creates space and energy for personal change and growth.
I am experienced with different approaches and practices within psychotherapy. I have completed various postgraduate courses such as, for example, cognitive therapy, Voice Dialogue, family constellations, systemic coaching, positive psychology and solution-focused psychotherapy.
Mindfulness is "gentle attentiveness": perceiving, observing and accepting what is there without "moving towards" anything. Having no purpose other than being observant, noticing what is happening. Letting go of the eternal critical little voice in your head. In this, breathing is an "anchor" to bring stability to body and mind. The goal is to get out of the flow of thinking and stop letting your thoughts run away with you. By practising this basic attitude regularly, you become calmer, experience less stress, and fewer negative thoughts. Mindfulness has been proven effective for many psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety.
I conduct mindfulness workshops for groups of up to about 10 people, and individual training by appointment.
For information about therapy, coaching or mindfulness training:
Call 06-50263613 or send an email to