Mr John Enterman (Psychiatrist)



Dhr. John Enterman (Psychiater)

AGB 03040159 business John Enterman
AGB 03315337 personal J.H. Enterman
VAT number is NL005134620B69
Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number is 95132422
BIG number 39020880601 (psychiatrist)
BIG number 09020880616 (psychotherapist)
Date of birth is 13/05/1957

As a retired psychiatrist with many years of experience—fifteen of which were spent as a member of the Medicines Committee at a large institution—I offer my expertise to TCL by providing medication advice. Many people, both patients and practitioners, feel uncertain about medication: Will it help? Are the side effects worse than the condition? Is it addictive? Will it affect my daily functioning?

In collaboration with the primary care provider, I will speak with patients to assess whether medication is a sensible choice. This also provides an opportunity to discuss any concerns. The final decision always rests with the patient; I merely offer advice.

Appointments can be arranged through the treating therapist.